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Friend A: Mahai, the other day I was damn farking tulan (pissed) wei with the players when I was playing Zeus. Damn tulan di then I straight go buy that that one with the energy booster. Kev : err Arcane ring? Friend A: Yayayaya.. Arcane ring!! Friend B: Apa lanciow! People tulan buy Aegis Rapier or some GG items! U tulan you buy arcane ring... Wtf wei..!! -_- Kev : *laughs* This shows how gosu is arcane ring.. >.<" k3v at 10:52 PM
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Cybertime took the first place which is worth RM1500 while home team PX took the second place. Netcity from Penang took in third place shocking everybody in the tournament! I didn't get to play with my team tho, but helped choonyeah's team to play one match.I think i did allrite as i farmed one heart at lvl 13 around 24 minutes, and one Eul later on. Got 6k in hand which i didn't notice until i died. =p LoL .. well.. We lost to PX anyway.. hahaha great games and very chi kek tourney. will do a match report tomorow! k3v at 9:55 PM
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Ahhh... we had alot of matches going on and things aren't looking pretty good I guess. We are stilll very weak in terms of coordination, teamwork and hero drafting. I will post the match reports soon enough.
k3v at 5:16 PM
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Okay.. heres the summary for the second matchTraining Match 2 Gaya ( Sentinel ) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Fun` ( Scourge ) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() We were somewhat control in lanes as Viper Vengeful were up againtz Akasha, Warlock was mid with Pugna while Rhasta and Visage was bottom lane with Zeus. Twin Head and Veno tried to create an opportunity to firstblood middle lane but was unable to do it after some great positioning by the Warlock. Thd soon head to bottom lane while Veno assist Akasha at top lane. Great play by Visage and Rhasta landed them both first blood and kill but both of them were taken out in the battle by Zeus (before he died) and Pugna with haste. So the score was 2-2. Lane were totally dominant for top lane as Akasha could do nothing more then just farming at top. But a miscommunication by top lane made Akasha killed Viper and Vengeful got killed by tower. Akasha was left with 2 HP running away.. Lucky brat.. Bottom lane continued to dominate their lane with great partnership by Odin and CR land them and extra few kills. Great play by those 2 lads. As the game goes on, it seems like Fun` was planning to play a all Necro strat. Scores were pretty even then. Warlock had his refresher at lvl 13 which made us pretty easy to defend againts the all Necro strat. A couple of pushes granted us the advantage of drastic change of kills. We were up like 5 kills or so. They kept pushing towers in order to get money. Quite a game where we exchange lots of kills during battle. A drama where micro was much to be seen in this game. MVP - Warlock (fearz) k3v at 5:44 PM
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Alas, we actually won our first training match. *jumps around happily* everybody was so relieve, you could tell it from our faces. We played 2 matches and we won both of them againtz Skylord's team. Our drafting was pretty good. Well, actually i force them to not take QoP to let us take since we never had a Queen for quite some time. Here's how the draft was like : Training match 1 Fun` ( Scourge ) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Gaya ( Sentinel ) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Lanings were Queen and Zeus up againtz Sand King at top lane, Viper againtz Warlock in mid, Visage and Vengeful up with Sylabear at bottom while Veno and Chen were roamers. Top were pretty one sided for Sand King as he was heavily harassed by Viper and Zeus. But a mistake by Zeus cost him a first blood and made Sand King closer to his dagger. Visage and Vengeful were totally dominating bottom lane as Sylabear could do nothing more then just leech experience. But fast alertness by Veno and Chen to aid the Sylabear made the lane slightly more even. Whenever Veno and Chen roam, it made their Sand King felt pathetic as he could do nothing more then watching the creeps die right in front of his eyes. By level 6, Queen obtain a preserverance and it alarms Skylord's team to actually do something to do the Akasha. A couple attempts to kill the Akasha was failed miserably. Poor coordination I would say. Mid solo heroes were exchanging kills whenever someone send a backup. When Akasha farmed a Battlefury, he too start to roam and make way for Zeus to farm. Kills were slightly even as far as I know. Sand King got his dagger and started to roam too but could not deliver the package. He was often caught by wards and could not blink and epi. Through out the mid game, Fun` started to push mid when Bear had radiance and after a couple of push they setup a beautiful catch over in mid to kill Visage when he was on the way back to the tower. Without Visage as a tanker, it was pretty much easy for Fun` to take out the rax. Epi blink land them 4 kills and they did extremely well taking out the towers and rax. But the game was just about to begin, as we could defend pretty easily in mid lane even with 2 rax down. Queen farmed a Skadi and started to catch heroes such as Chen who is farming the forest. Visage started to get his items such as Guinsoo, Meka and Viper had Vanguard, Radiance and BkB. Well Queen had Aegis, Mkb, Guinsoo(sold battlefury in exchange for this), and Skadi. Well we finally decided to push when we caught one of Fun`'s hero lurking around and took the rax in middle. Sand King and Bear had pretty buffed items such as Aegis and Heart but could do nothing when they are hex. We defended pretty well againtz a team who had the advantage of taking the mid rax early game and I would say our Vengeful was a correct pick as he swapped the correct heroes that we wanted to take out. (Note: He did a silly swap early game where he swap Venomancer into us. *laughs*) Game ended at 100th ++ minute. Pretty long game and I could not describe all the exciting moments all here. Overall, we manage to pull it off and it was a pretty close game. Will describe the second game on the next post. k3v at 4:31 AM
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It's being really a tiring week as I could barely sleep much this few days. It's not so easy to actually make a team to be a team. I am so used to join a team which is already well established and I just get slotted in like just a click.. Very easy.. But now it seems really hard as each of us doesn't have a thing on what's going on during battles, lane control and even drafting which is far by the most important element. Currently, I am actually playing supporting/roamer in the team, which is the total opposite of what i usually do, "farming". *laughs* Hopefully I could deliver some nifty backup and try to deliver for the team. But to think of it, if I were to play secondary Ace, it would be much pressure for me I feel. Lets see how our team gets together as a team first of all and then just be a team. Training was pretty bad. We are still getting trashed alot. Have been losing all the games since we are as a team. CR and James is really commited as I could see James complaining last night as CR was talking strats with him. It was like what, 3 am? omg.. LoL.. But I admire these two.. really bersemangat.. kaykay.. will be blogging sooner or later.. we will have a match again later on.. k3v at 6:49 PM
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Recently Gaya has been reassembled. The players who are playing are CR, fearz, Xantrian,b3n, and me. It looks like we got a nice trashing from SK for our first game of 60 Deaths to 5 kills. "laugh out loud" pretty bad coordination and heroes drafting. Next game we were slightly much more better abit la, *Coughs* like erm 29 deaths to 13 kills. LoL overall we are trying to get the pace of the game as we haven't played together before and our style of playing is completely different. Lets see how it goes in tonite's training.
k3v at 4:11 PM
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It seems like we are losing every single match in blueserver. LoL luckily its not a lan game.. Well, it might be hero drafting problem or maybe players could not fit the heroes. I have seen some interesting combos lately where Bristleback is used just like clan coL and a full AOE team such as Warlock, Enigma, Chen ( with 4-5 Satyrs ), Rhasta and Death Prophet. We should actually play Pugna to counter this heroes but we went for Enchantress to counter Chen which was a bad mistake it seems. I also actually made Odin lost his first game in 3 months. *laughs*
k3v at 4:00 PM
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Jeng jeng.. tonite we had a friendly match with Fran's team in blueserver. Players in the team were Stormie,y3k,xander,fall3n and me. our drafts were the following: (First to last)EmO : QoP, Venomancer, Zeus, Viper, Alchemist (Sentinel) Avox : Warlock, SandKing,Thd,Lich,Enigma (Scourge) I specifically wanted to try out Alchem because i was joking bout using him in a clan match earlier in the afternoon and see how well we will go with him. Lanings were pretty tough for us as Warlock were up againtz Viper, Qop vs Thd Enigma and Alchemist Zeus vs Sand King and Lich. Venomancer and Viper tried to rake in a first blood for the team but failed as theres isnt much fire power to do that. On the other hand, Zeus made a mistake in level 1 which cost him and gave first blood to the Lich. Their lanes were pretty dominant and slightly around lvl 8ish Warlock got a "triple kill" in mid which all of our heroes went one by one. But Veno did made the Warlock killed himself. Akasha's early farming was much pressured by a 2 heroes combo which renders him useless until Veno came to backup and killed them both. Zeus was constantly pressured at bottom which made his items at stalled after Lich had his dagger and constantly hunt Zeus and roaming. After we started to rake in some kills for the team, they finally made a decision to stick and push mid. It proves to be a fatal decision as our combo did really well and Akasha triple killed in that battle. We took the first mid tower and backed. We farmed out our items and Qop had her skadi at the 40th minute. *cough, very slow*. To my surprise, they kept sticking. This thus led us do our combo to perfection. Our Akasha triple killed again and this time we took off their rax. Game was pretty much done then. MVP : y3k ( Akasha ) PS: score for akasha, i really dont know =p forgot k3v at 2:48 AM
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i receive a message from someone to post something about farming. well, lets see what i can help you with this post.Basically in farming, we need to know in heart the projectile speed,hero movement speed, range of projectile, and the most important thing of all "timing". This is something i cannot teach but i can teach the different methods of farming. Some people often says this method is much better then another or this method is the utmost best farming way. Actually, its just your playing style. Whichever suits you best, you use it. I will tell you the pros n cons of each farming way. Well this is truly my opinion and you could comment back. I may capture and learn a few new things or 2. The S "s" is the shortcut key for stop. some may prefer this method as they spam the "s" key till the creep is dying and kills the unit. Well, if to me if your position for this method is awful, you would be greatly harrassed by the opponent and this style is note to be very easy to spot and can be easily denied instead of you farming. Hit And Move This is where your hero constantly moves outside the "area of damage" and gets potshots to get creepkills. "aod" is whereby you will not be constantly harass by the opponent. This style is more likely a desired style of farming but could be very well backfired if the opponent is very well versed in denying. The Higher Standard This is something which everybody wants to achieve. creep control, great farming , great harassing and denying. How do we achieve this? well, when we are really well versed in projectile speed and movement speed, you could move nearer to the creep and get the last hit instead of being denied. Once you do this, you try to get a potshot to the opponent's hero. If you notice the opponent is timing for the last hit of your creeps, give him a few potshots. Move in front and try to push him back and gain control of the lane. Of course you must know the delay of your animation in order to do this. "ie: QoP,Viper and Warlock is perfect in doing this." Once you controlled your lane, its considered as free farm. A key of advice is always know what your opponent can do to you and know your limits of your hero. Dont die for a creep, but creeps die for you when you have mastered in last hitting. k3v at 3:25 PM
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